Jun 25, 2023
How to Update Pricing on an Item in Your Store
- Log into Shop Manager by first logging into DermPRO OneLogin Dashboard and clicking on the Shop Manager tile...
...or by directly opening the link https://shopmanager.dermpro.com/ and entering the login credentials.
In Shop Manager, click “Listings” from the left menu.
3. Look for the Product or Treatment for which you want to update the price, and click on the Pencil icon on the right side of the item listing.
4. Go to Price and type the new price that you want for the product or treatment. Click the Save button to save the changes.
- When updating products, always check if there's a subscription configured. If there is, make sure the subscription prices are updated per the new price.
NOTE: Refresh the page on the store front end to see the edits made in Shop Manager.