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Home > Shop Manager > Shop Manager Product Listings > How to Update Product and Treatment Descriptions
How to Update Product and Treatment Descriptions
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How to Update Product and Treatment Descriptions



  1. Log into Shop Manager by first logging into DermPRO OneLogin Dashboard and clicking on the Shop Manager tile...

OneLogin Dashboard Shop Manager selected

...or by directly opening the link and entering the login credentials.

Shop Manager login


  1. In Shop Manager, click “Listings” from the left menu.


Listings zoom in


3.  Search the product or treatment you want to update by clicking the search icon and typing in the product name. Once you have located the product hit the pencil icon to open the product page.



4.  Update the Short Description and/or Main Product Description.




5.  Here's an example of where the short description and the main product description are located in your store front end. 




NOTE: Do not forget to refresh the page on the store front end to see the edits made in Shop Manager.

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