How to Edit Product and Service Categories
- Log into Shop Manager by first logging into DermPRO OneLogin Dashboard and clicking on the Shop Manager tile...
...or by directly opening the link and entering the login credentials.
In Shop Manager, click “Listings” from the left menu.
3. Select the product or treatment you want to edit the categories. Click on the pencil-like icon to edit.
5. Once you see the categories, you will be able to do three things.
A. Remove the Product from Existing Category
To do this, you just have to click on the X icon to remove and save changes.
B. Add the item to Existing Category
To do this, you just have to click "Add Product To Category"
Say, for example, you want to add the product to Products (Main Menu) > By Product Type (Sub Category) > Masks. You just have to choose the category and confirm your choice.
C. Add New Sub Category not existing in the system
Say, for example, you want to add it to Products > By Skin Concern > Dehydrated (new category). Please see sample below
It will then add the new category. Save Changes to apply.